Risk factors for diabetes mellitus type 2.

Medical Arts Shop


They are divided into two groups, the controllable risk factors those that we can modify, and the uncontrollable factors that are out of our control.

A person at high risk can prevent or delay developing diabetes by adopting a simple, healthier lifestyle.

Seeking early medical attention can prevent the complications of diabetes and premature death.



 Uncontrollable risk factors include the following:

Family history, To have a blood-related parent or sibling with diabetes.

Age, The risk increases proportionally with age and accelerates after the age of 40.

Ethnicity people of certain ethnicities and races, such as African, Caribbean. Asian and Hispanic.

Another risk factor is the Women who experience gestational diabetes, they are at 50% risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

Obesity is one of the leading risks for diabetes type 2. Fat distribution is also an important factor. PEAR and APPLE body shapes increase the chances of metabolic disease. fat accumulation in the abdomen area indicates a greater risk. by losing 7 to 10% of body weight you cut your risk of developing diabetes by 60%.

Lifestyle is an important factor in increasing the risk or treating diabetes. Exercising less than three times a week for more than 30 minutes each is considered insufficient. The less active the person, the higher the risks.

An imbalanced diet is another factor, such as too much consumption of rapid glucose and high saturated fat food.

Adults with Depression are at higher risk of developing type two diabetes.

Same for an aggressive personality person.

Having Prediabetes gives a 50% chance of having type 2 diabetes later in life.

Other controllable factors that can trigger or worsen diabetes include illnesses such as.


Dyslipidemia is a metabolic condition characterized by high levels of harmful fat and low levels of good fat.
Pancreatic illness.

Polycystic ovary syndrome. And thyroid problems.

Treating other diseases with medications may come with side effects that increase the risk of uncontrolled blood glucose levels and even developing diabetes.

Some of those medications are.


Atypical antipsychotics.

And Thiazides.

Having multiple risk factors increase the possibility of developing diabetes.

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