Ankle Fracture: An In-Depth Look - Most recent methods to treat ankle fractures.

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Ankle Fracture: An In-Depth Look


Ankle fractures, commonly known as broken ankles, refer to fractures in the bones that comprise the ankle joint. These include the tibia (shinbone), fibula (smaller bone of the lower leg), and talus (a small bone that sits between the heel bone and the tibia and fibula). Ankle fractures can range from a simple break in one bone, which may not prevent you from walking to several fractures, which could compel you to undergo surgery to maintain proper alignment.



A variety of situations can cause ankle fractures. They can occur from twisting or rotating your ankle, tripping or falling, or impact during accidents, such as a car crash. High-impact sports, like football or soccer, can also lead to ankle fractures. Osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones and makes them more likely to break, can likewise contribute to the likelihood of ankle fractures.



The symptoms of an ankle fracture can be similar to those of other ankle injuries, like sprains, which can sometimes make it difficult to distinguish between the two without medical intervention. Symptoms often include:
  • Pain, which could extend from the foot to the knee
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Tenderness to touch
  • Inability to bear weight on the affected foot
  • Visible deformity if the ankle is dislocated



If you suspect an ankle fracture, seeking immediate medical attention is essential. A healthcare provider will perform a physical examination and order imaging tests, such as X-rays, to determine the extent of the injury. In some cases, a CT scan or MRI may be required to obtain a more detailed view of the fracture and surrounding soft tissue structures.



Treatment for an ankle fracture will depend on the nature and severity of the fracture. Generally, the treatment options can be divided into

  • Non-surgical 
  • Surgical methods.


Non-Surgical Treatment

Non-surgical treatments may be sufficient if the fracture is not out of place or minor. These include:
  • Rest: Avoiding activities that cause pain and discomfort can help the ankle heal.
  • Immobilization: Using a cast or a brace can keep the ankle from moving and allow the fracture to heal.
  • Ice and Elevation: Applying ice to the area can reduce swelling while elevating the foot can help reduce pain and swelling.
  • Pain Medication: Over-the-counter or prescription pain relievers can help manage pain.
  • Physical Therapy: After the bone has healed, physical therapy exercises can help restore strength and range of motion.


Surgical Treatment

Surgery may be required if the fracture is severe, the ankle is unstable, or the bones are out of place. The main goal of surgery is to put the pieces of bone back into position and hold them there to allow healing. This is typically achieved with the use of metal plates and screws.


Recovery and Rehabilitation

Recovery times for an ankle fracture can vary significantly depending on the severity of the fracture and whether surgery was required. A minor fracture may heal in a few weeks, while a more severe fracture could take several months to recover fully. Physical therapy is often recommended during recovery to help regain strength and flexibility in the ankle.



While it is not always possible to prevent an ankle fracture, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk. These include maintaining a healthy lifestyle, engaging in weight-bearing exercises to strengthen bones and muscles, wearing appropriate footwear, and being mindful of your surroundings to avoid falls and injuries.


New Tricks to Fix Broken Ankles

Doctors have been learning new ways to fix broken ankles and are getting better at it all the time. Let's talk about some of these cool new tricks!

Fixing a Special Kind of Ankle Injury

You know how a shoelace keeps your shoe on your foot? There's something similar in your ankle called a "syndesmosis." Sometimes, it gets hurt when people break their ankles. To fix it, doctors can use a big screw or something called a "suture button," which is kind of like a shoelace for your bones. One study found that the suture button helped people move their ankle better and feel less pain after the break healed.

Using a Special Cord to Fix the Ankle

When an ankle break is really bad, the bones can move apart. Doctors fix this by tying the bones together. They used to use a screw, but now they're trying a new method using a special kind of cord. This new cord method seems to work better and needs fewer return trips to the surgery room.

Walking Sooner After Surgery

After fixing a broken ankle, doctors usually tell people not to put weight on it for a while. But one study found that people who started walking just two weeks after surgery felt better sooner than those who waited six weeks. The interesting thing is that in the long run, everyone ended up feeling about the same.

Managing Pain After Surgery

After surgery, the foot can hurt a lot. To help with this, doctors can give medicine through a tiny tube near the nerves in the leg. They can either give the medicine all at once or slowly over time. Both methods work well, but with the all-at-once method, some people had a little trouble moving their toes in the first 12 hours.

Checking the Skin's Health During Surgery

When doctors fix a broken ankle, they make a cut in the skin. To make sure the skin stays healthy, they can use a special green laser during surgery to watch how well blood is flowing to the skin. They also found out that a certain way of stitching up the skin after the operation keeps it healthier.

So, you see, doctors keep learning new ways to help people with broken ankles get better faster and with less pain. That's pretty cool, isn't it?

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