Drug Calculation Advanced Techniques - Study Guide - for Nurses and pharmacists - 2025 Digital Access

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Drug Calculation Advanced Techniques -  Study Guide - for Nurses and pharmacists


This is not another students' notes

It is exceptional content created by experts.


Unlock advanced techniques of human body and dosage calculations with Volume 3: 

Advanced Techniques is a must-have resource for nurses, medical students, and healthcare professionals looking to master reading dosages and IntraVenous drug calculations. This guide is designed to simplify intricate topics, ensuring clarity and precision in both academic and clinical settings.


drug calculation medication calculation advanced


What's Inside Volume 3:

  1. Infusion Rate Mastery: Explore IV therapies, volumetric pumps, and continuous and intermittent infusion rate calculations.
  2. Comprehensive Drip Calculations: Understand drip rates, drop factors, and formulas for precise dosing.
  3. Advanced Concentration Concepts: Dive into weight-based, percentage, ratio strengths, and millimoles..
  4. Safe Dosage Formulas: Learn to calculate safe dosage ranges and displacement values easily.
  5. Reconstitution Simplified: Step-by-step guidance on medication reconstitution for clinical scenarios.
  6. Emergency Considerations: Essential calculations for high-pressure situations and emergency dosing.
  7. Medication Forms: Covers liquid and oral formulations for versatile learning.


Seamless Continuation of Volume 1&2: Volume 3 builds on the previous volumes but stands alone, allowing you to fully understand and apply its material.


Versatile Learning: Covering essential topics like BMI, BSA, and related concepts, this guide is ideal for healthcare professionals, fitness trainers, and nutrition experts seeking practical knowledge.


medication calculation drop factor


Step-by-Step Clarity: Complex topics and calculation formulas are broken down into easy-to-follow steps, ensuring precision and simplicity at every stage.

Visual Aids & Charts: Annexes include vibrant visual tools to clarify complex concepts, making your learning process engaging and effective.

medication calculation drug concentration medication strength

With free lifetime updates, make sure you lock your copy at the current price, next updates will include more video explanations.


Perfect for students, teachers and professionals, even complete beginners can appreciate the simplicity of this volume which offers a practical and easy-to-understand approach.

Clickable titles and links.

Title: Drug Calculation Advanced Techniques for Nurses and pharmacists - Vol 3
Pages: 30 (7 sections + 4 Annexes ) 
ISBN:  978-1-7388186-8-6
Download Size: 21.5mb (pdf supported by all digital devices)

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