Dental Cavities - Tooth Abscess -Root Canal Treatment

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Dental Cavities - Tooth Abscess -Root Canal Treatment 

Dental caries, sometimes referred to as tooth decay or cavities, is a common ailment that many individuals experience. It is brought on by the accumulation of plaque, a bacterial film that sticks to the teeth and causes stains. These microorganisms secrete an acid that eats away at the tooth's enamel, causing tiny holes or cavities.

The pulp, the soft tissue inside the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and other cells that keep the tooth alive, can be affected by decay if it is not addressed. As a result, the pulp becomes infected and inflamed, which can be extremely painful and sensitive. An abscess, a pus-filled pocket that can result in swelling, discomfort, and fever, can also form if the infection spreads to the bone surrounding the tooth.

By removing the diseased or damaged pulp and cleaning, reshaping, and sealing the inside of the tooth, root canal therapy, also known as endodontic therapy, seeks to save the affected tooth. The process is often carried out over the course of one or more appointments, and the endodontist—a dental specialist with extensive training in this field—or a dentist is typically responsible for performing it.

The dentist will use a local anaesthetic to numb the surrounding area of the tooth before making an access hole in the top of the tooth to reach the pulp. The dentist will use tiny instruments to remove the diseased or damaged pulp, clean and sanitise the inside of the tooth and its canals, and then fill the canals with gutta-percha, a substance that resembles rubber. Then, a filling or a temporary crown will be used to temporarily close the opening in the tooth.

The tooth may be sore or swollen for a few days after the treatment, but it will eventually heal. The dentist will examine the tooth's recovery at the subsequent appointments, and if all is well, they will place a crown or permanent filling to restore the tooth's form and function. A frequent and effective surgery, root canal therapy can help salvage a badly damaged tooth, stop the spread of infection, and relieve pain and discomfort.



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