Coloscopy | Colon Polyp Resection | Polypectomy

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Colonoscopies are essential diagnostic procedures for detecting colorectal abnormalities, including colon polyps. These polyps are growths that can potentially develop into colorectal cancer. Colon polyp resection, or polypectomy, is the surgical removal of these growths, preventing them from becoming cancerous. This article will provide an overview of colonoscopies, colon polyp resection, and the polypectomy procedure.



An endoscopic examination that allows healthcare providers to visualize the colon's lining (large intestine) and rectum. It involves inserting a flexible tube, known as a colonoscope, through the rectum, and into the colon. The colonoscope has a camera and light source, allowing the physician to inspect the colon lining for abnormalities, including polyps, inflammation, or tumors.


Colon Polyps

Colon polyps are abnormal growths that arise from the colon's inner lining. Polyps can vary in size and shape, with larger ones posing a higher risk for malignancy. While most polyps are benign (noncancerous), some can become malignant (cancerous) over time.

There are two main types of colon polyps:

  1. Adenomatous polyps: These polyps have a higher potential to become cancerous and are the most common type.
  2. Hyperplastic and inflammatory polyps: Typically smaller, these polyps are less likely to become cancerous.


Colon Polyp Resection and Polypectomy

Colon polyp resection refers to the surgical removal of colon polyps.

During a colonoscopy, if the physician identifies polyps, they may perform a polypectomy to remove them.There are two primary techniques used for polypectomy:

  1. Snare polypectomy: This technique uses a wire loop, or snare, to cut the polyp off at its base. An electric current is passed through the wire to minimize bleeding.
  2. Cold forceps polypectomy: This method is employed for smaller polyps. The physician uses forceps to grasp and remove the polyp without using an electric current.


Post-Polypectomy Care and Surveillance

After a polypectomy, patients may experience mild discomfort, bloating, or slight bleeding, which usually resolves within a few days. Following your healthcare provider's instructions for post-procedure care is essential, including diet and activity restrictions. To minimize the risk of colorectal cancer, regular surveillance is crucial.

The frequency of surveillance colonoscopies depends on the number, size, type of polyps found, and the patient's overall risk factors. Patients should consult their healthcare provider for a personalized follow-up plan.



Colonoscopies play a vital role in detecting and removing colon polyps, which can potentially develop into colorectal cancer. By undergoing regular colonoscopies and polypectomies, individuals can reduce their risk of colorectal cancer and maintain optimal colon health.


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